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Our CR3W Story

CR3W Represents 3 Keys to Success. Confidence | Resilience | Work Ethic.

But what exactly does that mean? In these turbulent, transitional and often, confrontational times, how does someone stand in truth, remain confident, resilient and continue to exhibit a work ethic that's filled with pride?

Quite simply, it's a big ask but one we believe is all we really have left to trust. 

Too often an individual can be encouraged to give up or at the very least, not fully invest in any one task or life challenge because we've been told we're 'good enough' or 'OK just the way you are' and 'it's OK to not be OK.' These are all true of course, but empty platitudes from strangers on social media and television which frankly won't provide what you really need to take care of business for yourself BY YOURSELF.

The famed ultra athlete David Goggins has a phrase, 'stay hard' that evokes 100% what CR3W strives to communicate - belief in your own ability to hang in and hang on is the ultimate determining factor if you make it or not. This self confidence is the only thing that separates you from everyone else who chooses to quit and give in to the noise of defeat.

CR3W encourages our customers and fans to life life trusting in the fact that you are on this earth to give everything you have to everything you do - it might just be the one 'little thing' that could change a life.

To be resilient, truly again to 'be like water' as ancient proverbs tell, letting life's bat smack you around again and again refusing to stay down, this is a practice that must be honed and sharpened over and over... remember, life doesn't get easier or more forgiving, we get stronger and more capable that's all.

Resilience is accepting your new reality, even if it's less good than the one you had before. You can fight it or you can accept and try to put together something that's good, even better than before.

Work Ethic. There is nothing more contagious than to know someone who doesn't slack, doesn't choose to do 1/2 when 100% is required and who shows up, no matter what is hitting him or her and GET THE JOB DONE. Again quoting Goggins, "The harder the goal in front of you, the more you must give up to achieve it! Sometimes you don't get a second chance! Work and build that self confidence - without it there is no victory."

CR3W hopes you find inspiration on our pages and devote your journey of tenacious excellence wearing one of our signature CR3W products.

Let's do this. 


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